Oxalor - A technology for a 100% natural treatment of household and assimilated waste

« A world without waste »


Organic waste recycled

Published on 04-12-2013

16 April 2004


Installed since Juin 2003 on the site "des huileries3, VPO Environnement has set up a procedure allowing the valorization of organic waste and sludge waste.

In Europe, it is the only procedure that allows to produce a product at the end of the treatment which is no longer waste.  Its cost is far lower than the cost involved in landfilling.  The process generation no pollution whatsoever : no gas, no odour, no lixiviats and the use of its amendments are of agricultural value.  This new factory is, for the time being, the first one in activity in France, its annual production is 3,200 T, but the plant can assure 10 times this production, for which it will need the administrative go-ahead.  The economical, political and ecological issues involved are obvious....


Ségolène Royal, President of the Region, has visited the site at Lezay and VPO Environnemen CEO, Michel Mazon has welcomed Gérard Villeneuve, president of the Community of communes from Lezay and other officials....After a visit of the plant, a demonstration of the experimental spreading of the product took place...


A large number of questions from the elected officials got answered thus permitting to show the advantages of the Oxalor product...


Les déchets organiques recyclés