As a consequence of more than one century of industrialization and mass consumption, the treatment of household and assimilated waste have become a major issue of our modern society. In this climate, the OXALOR® Group was created in 1997 to promote a natural process of stabilizatoin and valorization of household and assimilated waste.
This innovative technology as well as its technological improvements, its equipment and derived products have obtained a large number of patents, sales authorizations and homologations in France and throughout the world.
The manufacturing-construction company WTC (WASTE TREATMENT CODE sas), partner of the OXALOR® Group has a long and established experience thus offering concrete solutions for the treatment of houseshold and assimilated waste and its valorization.
Concrete project realizations, the structure and partners of the OXALOR® Group offer full guarantees to tender for and obtain representative projects in France and throughout the world.
« We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. » (ancient Indian proverb)